Saturday, 30 May 2015

What music is good for readers?

Hey, guys! :) There's Bethany with a new post. From the headline you know about what is this post, so let's start with the main point of it!
So, as a fan of the books I must watch film adaptations of them. A lots of these films have a really cool soundtracks. And I usually listen them, too. As a result, I noticed one really good music band who played some of these film sountrack. Guess what band it is!

Who thought Imagine Dragons was right! Yes, Imagine Dragons is one of my favourite music bands. They play rock music and they are pretty good! They are from Las Vegas and they became a band in 2008. Their first song was "It's Time". The members are Dan Reynolds (a lead vocalist), Wayne "Wing" Sermon (a guitarist), Ben McKee (a bassist) and Daniel Platzman (a drummer).

Which songs belong to the film adaptations?
The song "Radioactive" was a soudtrack of the movie "The Host". This song was the first song which I heard from them and it belongs to my TOP 10 favourite songs. This song you could hear in Vampire Diaries and Arrow, too!
Other song which belongs to the film soundtrack is "Who We Are". This song was recorded for a soundtrack album of Catching Fire.
Also song "It's Time" was in a trailer of The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Enjoy their songs and see you soon! :)
Btw. have you heard one of their songs? Do you like their music?

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